4D Printing
Everyone knows about 3D printings and how important they are. Now is the time to go a step forward with 4D printing. We all know how 3D printing works and the variety of objects that you can produce with it. 4D printing uses the same techniques as 3D printing to create 3D objects. With 4D printing, the objects that you print have an extra dimension, the transformation overtime. It is therefore a type of programmable matter, wherein after the fabrication process, the printed product reacts with parameters within the environment (humidity, temperature, etc.,) and changes its form accordingly.
Like 3D printing, by using 4D printing a number of legal issues and challenges such as copyrights, data protection and privacy inevitably arise.
So, anyone who is dealing with 4D printing needs high level legal care and advice, and our lawtech firm is the only choice. Drawing from a variety of talents, our passionate experts are always at the forefront of this emerging technology.
We are the best choice for SMBs and startups because we know there needs better than anyone else. With established relationships throughout the financial communities, we are well positioned to provide introductions to investors and business leaders that are able to understand the particular needs of your business, and the challenges faced by emerging companies.
We offer strategic guidance at every step, in order to have a successful and profitable business. Our multidisciplinary team consists of experts in a variety of practices including intellectual property law, contract law, investment law, consumer law and many more. We are counseling our clients in a wide range of issues such as commercial contracting, copyrights, branding, trademark, preparing and drafting every legal agreement like terms & conditions and licensing, product liability, privacy, data protection, compliance with all national and international laws and regulations about consumer’s protection and more, divestitures, mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, venture capital investments, capital raising, private equity, corporate governance, taxes, employment and benefits and the rights of creditors and debtors.
In 4D printing, we are able to offer you every single service that you may need.